
TacticsforTOEICSpeakingandWritingTestsPackisauthorizedbyEducationalTestingService(ETS)andcontainsofficialTOEICitems.,TacticsforTOEIC-ListeningandReadingTestsPack是專為NewTOEIC所設計的教材。全書內容皆取材自具權威性的ETS(EducationalTestingService,美國教育考試服務中心 ...,TacticsforTOEIC®SpeakingandWritingTestsequipsstudentswiththetest-takingandlanguageskillsneededtogetahighscoreinthecomputer-ba...


Tactics for TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests Pack is authorized by Educational Testing Service (ETS) and contains official TOEIC items.

Speaking and Writing Tests (Book+2CDs) (絕版售完為止)

Tactics for TOEIC-Listening and Reading Tests Pack是專為New TOEIC所設計的教材。全書內容皆取材自具權威性的ETS(Educational Testing Service, 美國教育考試服務中心 ...

Tactics for TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test Pack

Tactics for TOEIC® Speaking and Writing Tests equips students with the test-taking and language skills needed to get a high score in the computer-based test. A ...

Tactics for TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test Pack ...

It focuses on building the range and understanding of language use, and awareness of key-testing strategies needed to get a high score. The Pack includes a ...

Tactics for TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests

內容簡介. Tactics for TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests Pack is authorized by Educational Testing Service (ETS) and contains official TOEIC items.

Tactics for Toeic Speaking and Writing Tests Pack (Paperback ...

In-class or self-study, prepare to succeed in the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing Tests with this ETS-authorized course containing official TOEIC® test items.

Tactics for TOEIC(r) Speaking and Writing Tests Pack (新書

出版社:N/A,作者:Grant Trew,出版日期:20070111,ISBN:9780194529525,【二手徵求好處多】

Tactics For Toeic

Tactics For Toeic-Speaking and Writing test. $1,000. 尚無評價. 0 已售出. 運費: $60. 延長訂單撥款. 第三方支付保障買賣雙方權益.

Tactics for TOEIC® Speaking and Writing Tests

The course was designed to help you develop the test-taking and linguistic skills that you will need to do well on the TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests. It is.